This seems to be Advil's odd attack on the Mucinex anthropomorphic Ralph Kramden mucus blob, portraying mucus, instead, as a depressed scruffy dude in a self-explanatory t-shirt. This, I suppose, is to make mucus seem less threatening, since Advil Congestion Relief apparently doesn't do jack to mucus.
It begins, like most pro-mucus stories, with a woman in bed reading a bedtime story to her child, and then getting sidetracked by what she assumes is mucus-related sinus pressure. Strangely enough, the personification of mucus is in her child's bedroom, and he displays an almost Eeyore level of resignation that he is being blamed, yet again, for sinus problems that aren't his fault. "Blame the mucus," he says, in a tone that conveys both exasperation and desperation.
The little girl, inexplicably, declares that this cross-legged home invader is funny. He isn't. He's sad and a bit creepy, although he does helpfully use a rolled-up magazine or pamphlet to illuminate the problems of nasal swelling.
Armed with new knowledge on her malady from the mucus avatar, the mother decides to read her child another bedtime story, despite having crapped out on the first one. The little girl, somehow enchanted by the the miserable mucus-man, decides that she wants a story from him. "Stranger danger" apparently means nothing to this kid.
I get that the idea is to replace the mean-spirited mucus-creature of Mucinex commercials with a mild, harmless mucus-dude in the public consciousness. But if that's the case, maybe having him appear unannounced and uninvited, not just in your home, but in your little daughter's bedroom(!) isn't the best way to make mucus less villainous. Sure, the Mucinex monster throws parties in your lungs and sometimes he hosts game shows in your respiratory system, but at least he has the decency to not sit on your kid's dresser while she's about to doze off to sleep.
Still, Mucinex isn't taking the Advil Congestion Relief attack likely... Recently, the blue collar mucus monster has been joined in adverts by a colossal, semi-retarded giant named Nasal Swelling. How that guy will interact with your precious little ones has yet to be seen.
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